Sunday, 4 January 2009

Some porn images

Yay some porn.
William and his brother... This was a nightmare in the RP we play, me and some IRL friends of mine.
I play William.

William and Bert... a man on the air pirate ship The Air Bitch that Will has taken a fancy to. (This have yet to happen).

My original version of my Original Character (OC) Nathaniel Mea. I have two versions of this character... One, the OC, made for an RPG called Drakar och Demoner, a Swedish Pen and paper RPG. And then the Gaia Online version. (short hair, horns, tail).

This is OC Nat and his wife, Yefa.

OC Nat and a woman called Yelka. A bit of a "What if.." moment between my Storyteller and myself resulting in this image.

And lastly, an image of my friend's character, Spearfrost... also the lover of Gaia Nat.

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